Thursday, October 30, 2008

song snippets

I only got 4 minutes... to save the world :)

All that matters, that you recognize that it's just about respect!

Maybe we'll meet at a bar
He'll drive a funky car
Maybe we'll meet at a club
And fall so deeply in love
He'll tell me I'm the one
And we'll have so much fun
I'll be the girl of his dreams maybe


In my head there is a mirror
When I've been bad, I've been wrong


actually, bottom line, you tell the truth sometimes,
and sometimes you tell the truth like you're pulling taffy.


Now I gotta cut loose, footloose
Kick off my Sunday shoes


We all wanna feel special...

This special need
That's within us
Brings out the best
Yet worst in us


I believe in love, I believe in love
A love that's real, love that's strong
Love that lives on and on


I’m gonna take that mountain
Ain’t nothing gonna slow me down
And there ain’t no way around it
Gonna leave it level with the ground
Ain’t just gonna cross it, climb it, fight it
I’m gonna take that mountain


The more I live - the more I learn.
The more I learn - the more I realize
The less I know.


I've seen the fires of deep division
The hearts of stone, the cold ambition
But I have found my sacred mission
To live in this world and still believe
That there is

One sky above, there is just one source of love

Monday, October 20, 2008

the internal contradiction

so many feelings
race through my mind


at the same time
i feel


i crave
peace of mind
a calming hand