Saturday, February 28, 2009

It happened again

Ok... Last night I saw "He's Just Not Into You" and it was basically good. It would've been better if it had fewer "S" words. Jennifer Aniston's character, Beth, was dating Ben Affleck for seven year and she was frustrated that he didn't want to get married. This story line was juxtaposed to three other stories of women who also had man troubles. It was definitely a chick flick.

Now, you're probably wondering what "it happened again" means? Jennifer Aniston showed up in my dream again. This time, my brother, Scott, my sister, Tiffany and I saw Jennifer in Broadway show. The stage kind of buckled and Jennifer lost her place in the script. Since Tiffany was stage managing, Tiffany told her the next line and everyone had a good laugh. Then it started to rain in the theatre. People started to panic and Jennifer was trying to make sure that people weren't getting hurt. Scott had an ipod and she told him to put it in his pocket before something happened to it and then we left the theatre. I was sure Jennifer was right behind us. But as we made our way through the backstage corridors, I realized that she was gone.

When we got outside, I realized that I had Jennifer's glasses and this man came up behind me and stole them. Eventually, we caught up with Jennifer and asked her where she went. Then I woke up.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Strange Dreams

I stayed home from work today because I wasn't feeling well. I took some Tylenol Cold which immediately put me to sleep. So, of course, I had a crazy dream.

I was on a reality TV show like the Amazing Race and my partner was Jennifer Aniston. We had a bunch of challenges, including finding great fitting jeans. We went from place to place around the country doing different challenges. It was really fun and it seemed like we would win.

Then I woke up.