Saturday, August 29, 2009

Random musings

These are some random things that have crossed my mind lately...

1. I'm finding it hard not to judge Lindsay Lohan... she is a hot mess.
2. People who have a sense of entitlement bug me... mostly when they need something from people who they deem unworthy of respect.
3. I am proud and amazed that I have made it to my one year anniversary in my new job.
4. Project Runway has started and I'm curious to see what drama ensues this season.
5. My dog is a mama's boy.
6. I love the Hallmark Channel.
7. People have been talking about aging a lot lately. I think that getting older is only as traumatic as you make it.
8. I want to write more often because I still have things to say.
9. I've been thinking about the all the careers I wanted to have when I was in high school. It's no wonder I ended up in the arts.
10. There are a number of instruments that I want to learn to play: guitar, piano, drums, and trumpet.
11. I think Dave Matthews is a musical genius. His music is more complex than any music you hear today.
12. Facebook feels like a burden on my soul most days of the week. But I can't stop checking it.
13. There is so much I say and much more I don't...

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Finishing up and saying goodbye.

The last few days have been interesting...crazy. On Monday, my singular goal was to do all the paperwork that I've been trying to get through. I didn't finish it all and partly because I really havent' been able to come up with a consistent way to do my weekly reports. I'm still struggling with a format that makes sense and is sustainable. I think I'm getting closer, but I'm not there yet.

Then I got the news that a co-worker had passed away. We weren't really close, but she always made me smile. Alice always had a kind word for everyone. There are people that you meet in life, who in small ways, brighten your day without ever knowing it. Alice was one of those people. Yesterday, I found myself wondering if I gave Alice a hug the last time I saw her. I hope I did.