Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm like a calculus problem you just can't solve

A few weeks ago, a co-worker said something to me that I found quite rude. She said, "when you keep your hair long, you really don't do anything with it." What I found rude was the tone with which she said it. This person knows of me, but she doesn't know the real me. She assumes that since she can afford to make regular trips to the salon, so can everyone else. She thinks a lot of herself and very little of other people. And honestly it's a waste to give her any of my energy.

But it got me to thinking... How many of my "friends" really know me. There are less than a handful that really know the innermost me.

  • The me who really can't deal with crowds of more than 4 people at a time.
  • The me who can't stand the smell of ketchup.
  • The me who had more unpleasant days in middle school than her mind will allow her to remember.
  • The me who as an adult is still uncomfortable in the dark.
  • The me who has felt sadness so deeply that it was manifested in physical pain.
  • The me who takes delight in her childlike qualities.
  • The me who doesn't wear makeup because she never learned how to put it on.
  • The me who wishes she had finished the adapted screenplay she started in 1989.
  • The me who considers very few people real friends and all other acquaintances.
  • The me who literally dreams up solutions to work problems.
  • The me who has had an exciting, yet tumultuous 4 months.
  • The me who still dreams about Petey and his final days navigating in the snow.
  • The me who is working on being happy even though at times it's really hard.
Most people don't know the real me...and I'm OK with that.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Theresa Jane Jones - My Grandmother

My Grandmother - Theresa Jane Jones

A collage of pictures of my Grandmother