Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I had always heard that crochet is relaxing hobby. After having no hobbies for a very long time, I decided to give it a try. There aren't any classes at HCC for crochet, only knitting.

So I decided to start watching videos online and reading books. The books were as much help, at least not without a video. I found a couple of books that had DVDs with them. I was on my way.

I started off with hats, 6 hats specifically, and then a scarf. Now I'm working on blankets. It's easier than I had imagined.

At first crocheting was a bit stressful. I was gripping the hook too tightly and that made my hands cramp. But I've loosened my grip and now I've hit the relaxation sweet spot.

A couple of my friends have suggested selling my creations. But I don't want to do that because then it'll turn into a job.