Monday, May 28, 2012

Why NBC, WHY?!?!?

I don't know what I'm going to do when I can't watch 30 Rock. I just started watching 30 Rock and now I've found out that season 7 will be the last season and worst yet, only 13 episodes. It's really unfair because Miss Elizabeth Stamatina Fey is a genius. She one of the funniest writers in television right now.

I wonder if it's time to organize a 30 Rock convention, Comic Con-style... People could dress up in their librarian glasses and plaid shirts. They could have classes on being a head writer who nobody respects, yet everyone depends on. I would totally attend a three part workshop one from Liz Lemon on managing train-wreck celebrities, child-like pages, and a mentor that is your best-friend, father-figure, work time husband, and surrogate big brother. It would be awesome and by awesome, I mean slightly geeky and awkward and probably not well attended. But I'd pay money to go.

Don't take my word for it. Watch it yourself.