Sunday, April 08, 2007

So much to say...Sitting at the BMA on Saturday

There's something about an art museum and Dave Matthews that seems so right. Sitting on the second floor of the Baltimore Museum of Art listening to Dave Matthews really got my juices flowing. My sister was doing a sketch for homework while I was working on my database project.

I really think I've bitten off more than I can chew. I wrote a proposal for a website for a local theatre company. I think that given more time and resources, I could actually pull this off. I chose this project with someone in mind and I really wish that I could implement this for her. I really wish that I had someplace to put this project after I finish it. My web hosting site doesn't support Cold Fusion.

This week, I have to make two pages of my site. They only need to be static pages...the database driven pages will come later.