Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Summer/Fall 2011 Classes

LFIT-933 Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning (1 credit)

This class focuses on the aerobic, strength, and power training exercises performed by the mixed martial arts athletes of today. Various interval and high intensity activities will be trained using indoor and outdoor facilities and equipment. This course focuses on the conditioning aspects of mixed martial arts and will not involve the practice of fighting techniques.
SUMMER SESSION 1: May 31 - July 01
5461 301 7:30AM-8:50AM TWTHF
Fall Semester
LFIT-137 Circuit Weight Training (1 credit)
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and basic skills necessary to participate in various circuit training programs. Students will learn how to utilize the principles of circuit training in the development of muscular and cardiovascular fitness program.

2396 301 7:30AM-8:22AM TTH
Fees: $20.00.

LFIT-921 Boot Camp for Fitness (1 credit)

This high intensity class focuses on interval cardiovascular training and high powered strength
conditioning using outdoor facilities and equipment. When weather does not permit outdoor
training, classes will be conducted indoors.
5093 301 7:30AM-8:22AM MW

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The 17th Biggest Loser contestant

Last Friday I started doing workouts at home in addition to my classes at work. I'm working on a weight loss goal and I'm a third of the way there. My goal was to lose 30 lbs by the season finale of the Biggest Loser. That gave me roughly 17 weeks to drop the weight. I am keeping a record of my weekly weigh-ins. Needless to say that I'm losing as much as the BL contestants. But I don't really need to. Once I reach the finale. I'll set another goal to lose the next set of lbs. One thing that has helped is changing my diet and exercising.

I will admit that I don't have the calorie counting down. I'm looking at the numbers as a guideline. But I will admit that I'm not keeping a food journal. I am though planning better meals for myself and eating smaller portions.

Right now my biggest hurdle is my current weight. I'm at the weight where things have usually fallen apart for me. So I'll just to plow through this barrier and keep on going. Running has helped. It helps me think. When I'm on the treadmill, I can be inside of my head. It sounds crazy, but in noise of the gym, I can tune the world out and just get in my own head space.

My running goal is to do a 5K. We'll see how that goes.