Monday, June 06, 2011

5K X 2 (Meeting your goals)

I ran a 5K on Memorial Day. My finished in 38:56, which met my goal of finishing in under 40 minutes. This past Saturday, I did a second 5K at the East Columbia Library as part of their Summer Reading Kickoff and I did even better. My time was 35:53, three minutes less than the first run.
I know that not everyone is into running and believe me, I wasn’t either, but I set this goal for myself in January just to see if I could do it. We were talking about setting goals for ourselves in one of the Weight Watchers meetings recently and I just wanted to share the sense of accomplishment I felt from achieving this goal, not once, but twice.

As a child, I was on sports teams and I did all kinds of extra-curricular activities. I've always had super supportive people cheering me on and telling me that I could achieve anything I wanted.  No one ever told me that I couldn't do something that I wanted to do.  I've been so blessed to have these kinds of people in my life, all my life.

However,  I didn't tell many people that I wanted to run the 5K. So achieving this goal made me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to, which oddly enough, I’ve always believed; but not always acted on.

I’m not sure what the next goal is just yet, besides reaching my 5% weight loss goal. Any suggestions?

Emily and Me at the Howard County Library
5K run on June 4, 2011
Me at the Rotary Club Memorial Run
on May 30, 2011