Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm back

My deepest apologies my dears for my 14 day absence. I haven't written because I've been too busy being sore and tired and oxycodoned (if that's a word). Whoever said having a cyst removed was a good idea needs to be slapped. This has taken so much out of me. My mother was right, I shouldn't give birth...it'll kill me :(

So I realize that I owe you 14 days of my life. I don't have it in me to recount each of the 14 days. Once the Oyxcodone kicked in, things got a little fuzzy. But I do recall a few highlights.

Day 2, November 8th - Faced with two weeks of lying on my side, I did the only thing any person in my position would do; popped in the complete first season of Lost and set a goal of watching 24 episodes in five days. I missed the first 18 or so episodes of Lost this past year, so I had some catching up to do.

24 episodes
1-2 oxycodone tabs every 4 - 6 hours each day
5 days before the DVDs had to go back to the library.

I'm sure you can see the challenge.

Tuesday morning I got started and was instantly sucked into every nuance, every possible clue. After about two days, I realized that no one's hair or beards were growing significantly and none of the women had hairy legs or pits. And those numbers... they're bad, I get it. But by Saturday I was seeing those numbers everywhere... 4, 8, 15, 15, 23, 42... Talk about full blown paranoia.

Well that was week one. Oh yeah, I got new windows in my apt. Marie came by and shielded me from nosey neighbors when I had no blinds. She also brought me Starbucks because no matter how incoherent you are, there's always time for Starbucks.

Week two, Nov 13 - 19th...
Yeah, umm... hmmm... err...
That whole week was a blur. I remember people coming by and calling while I was asleep. I don't remember much about the week. I do remember escaping from my house on the hunt for Starbucks. I walked across the street to the college, to the Starbucks cafe, to get a Caramel Macchiato with soy. Now my mom works at the college too, so I bought her one too so that she wouldn't fuss at me. And it almost worked. She was blinded by the caramel-ly goodness for a short time. But later in the day she called me and told me not to try that again. That was after my sister called and fussed at me about leaving the house. I remember telling Marie, but I don't know if that was the same day. I have no idea... I wasn't kidding when I said that week two was a big blur.

I can tell you this... Thursday I got my stitches out... WOOHOOO!!! The next day, I was feeling my cheerios and drove my car. Remember the starbucks incident? Oh yeah, my mom didn't like me driving even more than walking to get a starbucks. She didn't punish me because, well, I'm too old for that. But hey, the two days of pain was punishment enough.

Oh yeah, when I went to the doctor to get the stitches out, my doctor told me that I had two more weeks before going back to work. Two more weeks in the house... Oh joy. I have lots of homework to do and if I can keep a cohesive thought for more than two minutes, my plan is to get caught up this week. We'll see how it goes.