Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just breathe...

Today was so hectic...I honestly thought that I was going to have a panic attack. I did training today and the first thing that happened was that the room couldn't access the website we needed...

Quick find another room...(15 minutes before class)

Run, run, run... get the roster... oh good, only 8 people registered... bring a couple of extra booklets just in case.

Walking to the new classroom...splash... no more juice...it's all over the floor... Man, that was vitamin water too.

Run, run, run again... get to the classroom. Why are all these extra people here... OMG!!! There are 19 people in a classroom that holds 12 people and only 8 were supposed to be there.

"But I registered... what do you mean my name isn't on the list?"
ME: "It's ok, come on in."
To the day care teachers...ME: "Is it ok to cry now?"

Ok, just breathe... you'll get through this. What? What do you mean, some of the computers don't work? *sniff sniff*

Breathe, breathe...

Let someone else make the opening remarks... go get some water and breathe.

Ok, let's get started...

I taught the class from there and things went ok for the most part. I had one of our consultants there to help me with difficult questions. We made it through without too many problems. Around 5:10 pm, I finally made it to my cube, my new cube. It's still weird to be there. It doesn't feel like mine yet.