Saturday, September 23, 2006

I've been Gilmored

I just got Gilmore Girls Season 6 in the mail and was mildly disappointed to find that there is on bonus material. The other thing that I realized was that the rift between Lorelei and Rory lasted entirely too long, 7 episodes to be exact. That's not including the summer. In Stars Hollow time, it lasted about 6 months. asked the all important question, "Can it be the Gilmore Girls if the Gilmore girls aren't together?"

Their splint got on my nerves after a while and I wondered how long Amy and Dan Pallidino were going to drag this out. But amazingly, because I love the writing, I still watched the show. When they added the April character, Luke's long lost daughter, that just threw another monkey wrench in the situation.

Don't get me wrong. I love the show. It's one of the only shows I look forward to watching each week besides Lost, of course. Season 7 of the Gilmore Girls starts September 26 on the CW, minus the Pallidinos. It'll be interesting to see how the characters develop this season and if they'll talk as fast.