Thursday, December 28, 2006

100 Questions

1) Are you in a complicated relationship?not really
2) Do you hate more than 3 people?I dislike the actions of more than 3 people. I try not to hate people.
4) How many houses have you lived in?
6, I think
5) Favorite candy bar?Take 6
6) Have you ever tripped someone?Yes
7) Least favorite school subject?Chemistry
8) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About 10-15
9) Who do you like?In a platonic sense... all my friends
In a romantic sense.... wouldn't you like to know :(-
10) Have you ever thrown up in public?Unfortunately, yes... in Boston... in a mall
11) Name one thing that is always on your mind:Since I'm a woman, I always have at least two things on my mind
12) Favorite genre of music?It depends on my mood. I favor Pop/Rock and Country.
13) Whats your zodiac sign?I don't subscribe to the zodiac
14) What time were you born?4:10 pm
15) Do you like beer?Corona with a lime
16) Have you made a prank phone call?Yes.. I worked at Musicland in Columbia Mall in Maryland. I called the Musicland in Columbia Mall in Columbia South Carolina to cranked them. The manager was from a neighboring town and knew where to find me.
17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? Joey Lawrence's First CD... It's still unopened.
18) Are you sarcastic?oh yeah, definitely?
20) How many watches do you own?2, one that works and one that does not.
21) Summer or winter?winter
22) Is anyone in love with you?If they are, they haven't told me.
23) Favorite color to wear?sage green
24) Pepsi or Sprite?Sprite
26) Where is your second home?Mom's house
27) Have you ever slapped someone?I don't remember
29) How many lights are in your bedroom? 1
30) How many video games do you own?I have an Atari FLashback 2.0... so how ever many games came with that.
31.) First pet you owned?Cat
32) Ever had braces?No
33) Do looks matter?They shouldn't... but they do... at least in the beginning.
34) Do you use chapstick?Sure
35) Name 3 teachers from middle school:Ms. Wright, ..... I've blocked out those years... the only reason I remember Mrs. Wright is because she was my 11th grade gym teacher too...
36) American Eagle or Abercrombie?Never shopped at either
37) Are you too forgiving?Not sure, I don't think so.
38) How many children do you want?Depends on the day you ask me... most day, I don't want any.
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic?Not any more...
40) Favorite breakfast meal?depends on the day...
41) Do you own a gun?Hell no
43) When was the last time you cried?Today... stupid Clean House show
44) What did you do last night?Watched TV
45) Olive Garden?I think I've only been there once...was that were we ate Carrie?
46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy?Yes.. .and her name was Michelle. It was kindergarten
47) Have you ever been in a castle? I don't think so
48) Nicknames?JJ, Jules Verne, Black Girl, Pookie, JulieGirl
50) Ever been to Kentucky?No...
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now?Yes... Darn you Carrie for sending this to me.
53) Ever called somebody Boo?Yeah
54) do you smoke?No
55) Do you own a diamond ring?Not yet
56) are you happy with your life right now?somewhat... but there's always room for improvement.
57) Do you like your hair?Nope, I want to get it cut with side swept bangs
58) Does anyone have a crush on you?see #22
60) What were you doing in May of 1994?Working at Musicland and dating Curtis.
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?Not any more
62) Mcdonalds or Wendys?McDonalds
63) Do you love yourself?mostly
64) Are you closer to your mother or father?Mother
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex?I like men's butts... not too big...not too small
66) Are you afraid of the dark?I plead the 5th amendment
67) Have you ever eaten paste? Nope
68) Do you own a webcam?no
69) Have you ever stripped?no
71) Are you religious?Yeah
72) Do you chat on AIM often? I use it at work
73) Pringles or Lays?depends on my mood
74) Have you ever broken someones heart?Yes
75) Full house or brady bunch?Bradys
77) Did you like your middle school guidance counselor?I don't know... I don't know if I had one 78) Has anyone ever called you a tease?Yes
79) Do you have any pets?no
80) do you own a car?Yes
81) Can you cook?Yup
82) 3 things that annoy you?liars, people who can't double click, Tyra Banks
83)Do you text message alot?Yeah, mostly Marie and Carrie
84) Money or love?Love can't pay the light bill... sorry to sound heartless.
85)Do you have any scars?YUP, got two of them within a span of a year

86) What do you want more than anything right now?Someone to talk to
87) Do you enjoy scary movies?I don't.. I think that most of them come out of demonic minds
88) Relationships or one night stands?Relationships
89) Big Red or Juiicy Fruit??I can't chew gum any more
90) Do you enjoy greasy food?depends...
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies?Uh, no
92) Do you own a box of crayons?not anymore
94) Who was the last person you said i love you to?I don't remember... I don't say it often.
95) Who was the last person that made you mad?I don't get mad often, but the last person who really really mad me mad was ... I told her off... and I still have my job.
96) Who was the last person that made you cry?I don't let people make me cry... so I can't tell you who that would've been.
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh?Tracy cracks me up all the time.
98) Who was the last person that texted you?Casey thinks she did... but I never got the msg.... the last one that actually came through was from Keia.
99) Who was the last person that called you?My Dad
100) Whats your ringtone?SexyBack
101) Who do you love?Daniel Dae Kim... Just kidding... I love my friends and family... I don't have a person that I love in a romantic sense.