Saturday, December 23, 2006


I guess I haven't had much to say lately. Keeping up with this blog has become a bit of chore for me. I feel like I have nothing of value to say anymore. It's probably because I've been so busy and haven't had a lot of time to be alone with my own thoughts.

I just finished the fall semester. I took Text and Graphics Integration and Web Site Management. I got A's in both classes although neither class was as easy as I had I had hoped. I have to admit that even though I have a plan to finish my degree in the next year, it feels like it's going to take forever. People at work encourage me, but they don't realize that this isn't as easy as it seems. I have so many things going on in my life. I never feel like I have enough hours in the day. One of the worse things to hear is "you're young...this is the best time to finish your degree. Then you can get your Master's." What people don't realize is that I don't live at home with no bills. I have other responsibilities in my life and going to school isn't my sole obligation...if you can even call it an obligation. It's more like a burden that I've put on myself... a burden that will ultimately achieve one thing; an improved status at work.

It's sad to think that people are not valued unless they have a certain degree. I mean, people tell me how much they appreciate what I do and they have no problem asking me to do training in this or that. It's like, they have no problem tapping into my knowledge for free. However, to pay me for training or teaching, that's out of the question, even though I know more than some lead instructors. And it's not just me. There are plenty of people who are rapped of their talents and I'm surprised that more people aren't disgruntled. Maybe they are quietly disgruntled.

I'm not at the disgruntled stage because I know that I have my job because of Jehovah's love for me and not because of anyone else. I guess that's why I don't worry about losing my job like other people. I try to look at my job as just that...a job...not my life. Some people are the job and they seem miserable. When your own self value is wrapped up in your job or in something outside yourself, I don't know how you can be happy. I've seen people like that and they don't seem happy. They try to make themselves "self-important" or worse yet they wait for others to assign them their value. I hoped to never be that way.