Sunday, February 03, 2008


When starting a diet, many people decide to use the first few weeks as a period of detox. They eliminate meat, sugar, and other foods that are ultimately harmful from their diet. I did it when I started dieting last May. For the first nine days, I didn't eat any meat, no caffiene, no starches, and no sugar. It was something that I thought I wouldn't be able to do, but I survived and felt much healthier for having done it.

I think that the same thing happens when we decide to make changes in our lives in other areas. We need to detox from destructive habits that only serve to hurt us. I have found in my case that whenever I make strides towards improving my spiritual routine, the devil is right there to bring out a hidden toxin to pull me back.

The latest involves a rather odd and depressing dream that drew from a mixture of unfortunate incidents in my life. The dream had me depressed for days and in some ways unable to function at a normal emotional level. Although I am happy to report that the moment has past, it's not a great feeling to know that I still get to those depths of despair. But I guess that even the most faithful servants of God have moments of despair. Faithful servants like Job had moments of crisis. But Job never lost his integrity to Jehovah.

So I guess I'm not worried. The detox period can be trialsome. But it can also lead to better life in the long run.