Monday, August 18, 2008

A new chapter

Well, there you have it. I have a new job. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I'm going to leave the familiar surroundings of the IT world for the flare and excitement of the arts world.

When I try to put my feelings into perspective, I feel a sense of apprehensive calm. The past month, I have waited in eager expectation of the moment when I would get the call, thinking, of course, that it would be an exciting, overwhelming moment. Oddly enough when I got the call, I could only answer "OK, cool" because my mind was singularly focused on my American Government final exam. The call, while greatly anticipated, came 30 minutes before my final exam and only served to steal away the last precious moments that I needed to study. Don't get me wrong, it was great to get the call. I just didn't anticipate getting it at that moment.

On Sunday, I sent out my goodbye email to my co-workers. I had it carefully planned with a long list of recipients. And then I sent it and it all became all too real to me. I'm really leaving. I am not going to be in IT anymore. The thought fills me with anxiety - not because I feel that I'm losing something. It's more that I have the learn something new and be really good at it in a short period of time. No pressure, right?

Some of the keys to getting through this will be 1) prayer 2) determination 3) balance and 4) breathing.