Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reba and Kelly, part 2

So I just got back from seeing Reba and Kelly and IT WAS AWESOME!

I've seen Reba perform 6 times, but it was my first time seeing Kelly. She is amazing. She has so many sides... so many genres that she can sing. I'm so glad that I saw her...

I guess I can say this... it is my blog after all... but I was sitting in front of some interesting people... OK...they seemed like rednecks.... the kind that would give Gretchen Wilson a run for her money. One even admitted that she hadn't taken her ADHD medication, so she might get a little hyper. It was fine, until she actually got hyper. I was so glad when Fancy finally came on because then she calmed down a bit.

I guess I dont' really having anything reflective to say about the concert. Except that one song in particular got to me. I have always loved the song "And Still". It's about a woman who, in a far away town, runs into the love of her life. The only problem is that they aren't together anymore and to make matters worse, he's married... but she still loves him and can't even tell him. It hit a little too close to home for me this time and I got a little teary eyed. I think Reba did too.