Thursday, January 27, 2011

Carrie Hamilton

Carrie Hamilton was an American actress, singer, and playwright.Last Thursday was January 20th, 2011. Nine years ago, the world lost a bright light who expressed the following sentiment:

"Everyday I wake up and I decide, Today I'm going to love my life" - Carrie Louise Hamilton (December 5, 1963 – January 20, 2002)
I first read this quote by Carrie Hamilton shortly after she lost her battle with cancer in January 2002. I was instantly struck by its optimism and determination. Even as her health was failing, Carrie lived her life with passion and determination to love during every moment of her life.

Of her disposition during her illness, her family said that Carrie was most concerned about her family's welfare, specifically her mother and younger sisters. She was an inspiration to many people. Carrie's mom included the following quote (spoken by Carrie) in her latest book, This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection with Carol Burnett:

"The legacy is really the lives we touch, the inspiration we give, altering someone's plan -- if even for a moment, and getting them to think, rage, cry, laugh, argue . . . walk around the block, dazed . . . More than anything, we are remembered for our smiles; the ones we share with our closest and dearest, and the ones we bestow on a total stranger, who needed it then, and God put you there to deliver."
To Carrrie's mom, sisters, brothers, family and friends... The world is less bright without Carrie in it and my heart goes out to you.

Carrie life was recently honored by Anaheim University. Read about it at 2011 Green Planet Movie Awards web page.

Jay Leno Surprises 100-Year-Old Twins With Their Favorite Celebrity, Carol Burnett

Read the LA Times Article by Bob Pool

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To the couple behind me in line at Giant

Dear Mr and Mrs. Kissy-face....

You don't know this, but I have been at work all day in a very small office. I have many tasks on my plate including making plans for a major system overall that will take up every minute of my days until the new system goes online, which won't be until the end of June. I'm also preparing for Diversity Week at my job and I keep thinking about that diversity day episode of The Office.

Also, I've been on Dr. Ian Smith's Fat Smash Diet for the past nine days and for the first time ever, I'm having horrible cravings for meat and chocolate.

Oh yeah, I have other things on my mind. My furnace intermittently blows cold air unless I put the thermostat up to 85 degrees in my place. It's pretty much a nuisance since it's been really cold.

I'm telling you all this because I have a lot going on and so when you stand less than a foot behind me in line at the self check machine, it annoys me. Give me some space so that I can swipe my credit without having to think about your stupid photographic memory that you will undoubtedly use to steal my identity. Haven't you heard of personal space before? Where were you raised? In a barn or something?

Oh yeah, and I also don't feel like hearing (yes, I said hearing) you suck each other's face off while you are STILL standing less than a foot behind me. It's great that you're in love and I'm happy that you found each other... but can you do that at home, PLEASE? Some of us had a long day and and just don't have the patience for that right now.

The lady in front of you in self check out in Giant.

Monday, January 03, 2011

From the Old Farmer's Almanac

2011 Long-Range Weather Forecast for Atlantic Corridor

JANUARY 2011: temperature 30 ° (3 ° below avg.); precipitation 2.5" (1" below avg.); Jan 1-5: Snow, then sunny, very cold; Jan 6-11: Snow showers, then sunny, cold; Jan 12-17: Rain and snow, seasonable; Jan 18-21: Snowstorm, then sunny, very cold; Jan 22-24: Snow, then sunny, cold; Jan 25-31: Snow, then sunny, very cold.

FEBRUARY 2011: temperature 35 ° (2 ° above avg.); precipitation 4" (1" above avg.); Feb 1-3: Sunny, turning mild; Feb 4-6: Heavy rain, mild; Feb 7-10: Rain to snow; Feb 11-16: Snow showers, then sunny, very cold; Feb 17-20: Snowstorm, then sunny; Feb 21-24: Rain, then sunny, mild; Feb 25-26: Rain, mild; Feb 27-28: Sunny, mild.