Monday, January 03, 2011

From the Old Farmer's Almanac

2011 Long-Range Weather Forecast for Atlantic Corridor

JANUARY 2011: temperature 30 ° (3 ° below avg.); precipitation 2.5" (1" below avg.); Jan 1-5: Snow, then sunny, very cold; Jan 6-11: Snow showers, then sunny, cold; Jan 12-17: Rain and snow, seasonable; Jan 18-21: Snowstorm, then sunny, very cold; Jan 22-24: Snow, then sunny, cold; Jan 25-31: Snow, then sunny, very cold.

FEBRUARY 2011: temperature 35 ° (2 ° above avg.); precipitation 4" (1" above avg.); Feb 1-3: Sunny, turning mild; Feb 4-6: Heavy rain, mild; Feb 7-10: Rain to snow; Feb 11-16: Snow showers, then sunny, very cold; Feb 17-20: Snowstorm, then sunny; Feb 21-24: Rain, then sunny, mild; Feb 25-26: Rain, mild; Feb 27-28: Sunny, mild.