Crossfit Strong; not a four letter word.
I have had this ongoing conversation with several other women and there are two opinions out there regarding strength. Everyone wants to be strong in some form or another. But some women feel afraid to "look" strong because they feel like that will make them look masculine. I disagree with every fiber of my being. If I'm walking down the street, I want to look strong enough that no one will consider jumping me and if they do, I will be able to handle my business. But are there women who have large muscles that resemble men's muscles? Absolutely! But most who get to that point have occupations that precipitate that sort of definition like body builders.
Female professional Crossfit athletes do build up muscle, but many still look feminine in their everyday lives. It's only when dressed in workout gear that their full definition can be seen. Because of their training programs, they know where to find balance. And from a body physiology standpoint, they don't do the same type of work that body builders do to gain the kind of mass that matches a man. It's not until artificial means are introduced into training that unusual and unnatural muscle gain is seen for the most part.
Therefore, I propose that real strength is not masculine or feminine. Strength is the ability to be functionally fit to carry out life's daily task and to be healthy while doing those tasks. The key is to understand your body's natural composition. Your body's shape is your body's shape. You can't change your inherent shape structurally. Your bone structure is what it is. You have to be happy with the body you have. But having said that, you should embrace and strive for the healthiest version of you; not the healthiest version of anyone else; just you. Strength is intrinsically connected to health. Don't be afraid of strength. It will keep you living longer and independently for many years to come.