Thursday, March 31, 2005


This week on the Larry Elder Show, the following story was featured:

"After buying an Evanescence CD from Wal-Mart for their teen daughter, Trevin and Melanie say they were appalled to discover profane lyrics despite the lack of a warning label on the packaging. The situation was especially disturbing to their family because they shop at Wal-Mart based on its claim of selling only “clean” music. Despite complaining to the company, Trevin and Melanie felt they weren’t taken seriously and that a lawsuit was the only way to make their voices heard. The family is now suing Wal-Mart to ensure that warning labels will be placed on questionable music products in the future."

I have a problem with this story because Larry Elder implies that Wal-Mart is the only party that should take accountability here. There was no mention of the parents taking accountability for purchasing the CD. Despite all the research they did afterwards to find out how to sue Walmart and Evanescence's record label, where was all the research before they bought the CD. Why didn't they look up the lyrics of the songs on the CD? Why didn't they go on the Evanescence website for a real sample of the song? I have the CD in question and where they do use one particular profanity about four times, I choose not to listen to that song. It's not even an Evanescence song, it's a cover of someone's song.

I am in no way condoning Evanescence's use of this word... I like my music profanity free as well. But as a person who worked in music retail for 10 years, all too often retailers have to answer to parents who have neglected their parental responsibilities. When I was a girl, I knew what kind of music my mother would approve and not approve. She set a standard for appropriateness and I, as her child, never even thought to listen to music that I couldn't listen to with her.

Now this is no attack on Evanescence at all. I love their music, albeit, dark music. My issue is parents who go into stores and demand that underpaid sales people be the moral compass for their children. I can't tell you how many times I've heard parents say "You shouldn't sell music that has a parental advisory to teenagers". The fact of the matter is that as a parent, your child should know that music with a parental advisory sticker isn't acceptable in your house. If you child knew that, maybe they wouldn't try to buy that music. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a stupid mall employee...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


“Loyalty” as used in the Hebrew Scriptures is kindness that lovingly attaches itself to an object and does not let go until its purpose in connection with that object is realized. More is involved than faithfulness. After all, a person might be faithful merely out of a sense of duty. In contrast, loyalty is rooted in love. Then, too, the word “faithful” can be applied to inanimate things. For example, the psalmist called the moon “a faithful witness in the skies” because of its regular nightly appearance. (Psalm 89:37) But the moon cannot be described as being loyal. Why? Because loyalty is an expression of love—something that inanimate things cannot display.

In its Scriptural sense, loyalty is warm. Its very manifestation indicates that a relationship exists between the person who displays the quality and the one toward whom it is shown. Such loyalty is not fickle. It is not like waves of the sea blown about by changing winds. On the contrary, loyalty, or loyal love, has the stability and strength to overcome the most daunting of obstacles.

-Draw Close to Jehovah p.280 paragraphs 4 & 5

Monday, March 28, 2005

Correcting a commandment

"Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's life"

As hard as it's been, I'm finally getting to the point where I can actually keep this commandment. My life is getting better and more desirable. I think that as I decorate my new apt, it's almost like I'm putting the decorative touches on my life...making my home, my life, more comfortable.

A friend asked me if I feel more grown up living on my own. I only feel grown up when it's time to pay the bills. I don't actually feel my age. I feel younger. It's almost like I'm having the fun that I should've had years ago. But the great thing is that I have the experience to know how to handle myself that I didn't have in my early twenties. I don't want to go back to that time, but I'm enjoying this time in my life.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Today's the day

I know you want to know if I feel older being my birthday. I'm 32 years old, but honestly I don't feel like it.

Unlike the past two years, I didn't wake up with some great epiphany. I didn't feel the need to make a major change in my life. Today was like any other day. I got up, made breakfast, read my Watchtower and went to the Kingdom Hall.

I did have an early morning visitor...My friend Marie stopped by to bring me the long-awaited Key Lime Pie. It was a complete surprise. She's a great friend. Today was a day that she planned to spend with her family...husband, daughter, siblings, mom, neices, nephews and chickens and things. But she took time out to come to see me. It made me feel special.

I love these lyrics...

We all wanna make a place in this world
We all want our voices to be heard
Every one wants a chance to be someone
We all have dreams we need to dream
Sweeter than any star you can reach
Cuz when you reach and find, you've found someone
You'll hold this world's most priceless thing
The greatest gift this life can bring
Is when you look back and know
You were loved

You were loved by someone
Touched by someone
Held by someone
Meant something to someone
Loved somebody
Touched somebody's heart
Along the way
You can look back and say (mm)
You were loved (yes you were)

You can have diamonds in your hands
Have all the riches in the land
But, without love,
You don't really have a thing, no no
When somebody cares that you're alive
When somebody trusts you with their life
That's when you'll know (huh)
That you have all you need
You'll hold this world's most priceless gift
The finest treasure that there is
You can look back and know
You were loved

You were loved by someone
Touched by someone
Held by someone
Meant something to someone
Loved somebody
Touched somebody's heart
Along the way
You can look back and say (mm)
Yes, You were loved (yes you were now)

So many roads that you can take
Whatever way you go
Don't take that road alone
It's better you should know

You were loved by someone
Touched by someone
Held by someone
Meant something to someone
Loved somebody
Touched somebody's heart
Along the way
You can look back and say (mm)
You did okay
You were loved

So remember to tell that special one (yeah, mm)
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved

Thanks for the pie...and the love.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Spring Break

I'm so happy that Spring Break is finally here. I need a break. Things have been so hectic between being sick and moving. I'm finally settled into my new apt. It's cute and cozy. I do need a couch though... :(

During my break, I wanted to go out in the ministry, get the rest of my decorations put up and do a little work. This is the time of year that we have to do our self evaluations for work. This is the annual ritual of proving who we are to our supervisors. It's an awfully daunting task, but I think I'm up to the challenge. I got some good advise about writing my self evaluation.

I have to do laundry today...
If you want something done right, don't ask a man!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Crab cakes anyone?

There's nothing better than a good meal with a good friend. Good food and good conversation always seem to make me feel better. Not that I had a bad day, but being with a good friend always makes the day seem better.

I hide myself from a lot of people, mostly because a lot of people can't be trusted. Tonight, I had no worries... I felt safe.

I'm stuffed.

Thx M.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

In a new place

I'm in a new apt, living on my own for the first time. It's odd being alone. There's no one to talk to and no one talking to me. But it's ok.

I had company last night for the first time. My friend Cheri came over and we talked about her job and how things are going. It was nice having her over because I don't get to see her that often.

I finally got back to my water aerobics classes and I have to say that even though I'm very sore, I'm glad I went back. I need that time to have for myself and I really want to start losing weight. I have to get in better shape for my health. We see what happens.

Monday, I'm having Marie over. She'll be my second guest and afterwards, we're going to dinner. I can't wait until she finishes her book. She's such a good writer. She's a great friend because she makes me feel valued and loved. I've been trying to work on loving myself more and she helps me see all that I have to offer. I'm grateful to have her as a friend. She started off as a teacher and mentor and now she's a valuable part of my life.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

There are days

There are days...
When I wake up late
and I don't eat breakfast
and things break
and I can't fix them
and I hate my job
and I feel worthless
and I wish that I had just turned over
and gone back to sleep.

and then

There are days
When I wake up refreshed
and I have a great breakfast
and things break
and I fix them
and I love my job
and I feel God's love like a warm down blanket
and I wish that could feel that good every day.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Back to work

I finally went back to work today. After a week of being sick, I thought that I'd be able to go back and brave work. I coughed my brains out and actually felt worse than I have felt in a few days. But you know what? I was brave today and took care of myself and I survived...

I feel bad because I didn't make it to the World Languages celebration today, but I just wasn't up to it today. Every time I cough, it was like a small explosion in my head. At one point, Mike, my director, told me to go home. I'm sure he was tired of hearing me cough. I left about two hours after he told me to go (I had a meeting that I couldn't miss).

After the meeting, I left school and headed to my apt. I needed to make sure I turned down the heat. I haven't been there since Sunday and wasn't 100% sure that I turned down the heat before I left. I have two more days before I move and I feel like I have so much to do, even though most of my stuff is already packed. I guess I'm just nervous.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I feel like this sometimes

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My new apt

I got my apartment, my new bed, and unfortunately a sinus infection. I have, however, taken this time that I've spent in bed to watch the Star War Trilogy.

I've decided that when episode 3 comes out on DVD, I've got to have a Star Wars Marathon at my house. Only the bravest and nerdiest souls will be invited. Will you be there?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I have to let go

I have to give up on the thing that I want the most. It's too painful not to have it. It's time to focus on helping others.