Saturday, March 19, 2005

In a new place

I'm in a new apt, living on my own for the first time. It's odd being alone. There's no one to talk to and no one talking to me. But it's ok.

I had company last night for the first time. My friend Cheri came over and we talked about her job and how things are going. It was nice having her over because I don't get to see her that often.

I finally got back to my water aerobics classes and I have to say that even though I'm very sore, I'm glad I went back. I need that time to have for myself and I really want to start losing weight. I have to get in better shape for my health. We see what happens.

Monday, I'm having Marie over. She'll be my second guest and afterwards, we're going to dinner. I can't wait until she finishes her book. She's such a good writer. She's a great friend because she makes me feel valued and loved. I've been trying to work on loving myself more and she helps me see all that I have to offer. I'm grateful to have her as a friend. She started off as a teacher and mentor and now she's a valuable part of my life.