Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Back to work

I finally went back to work today. After a week of being sick, I thought that I'd be able to go back and brave work. I coughed my brains out and actually felt worse than I have felt in a few days. But you know what? I was brave today and took care of myself and I survived...

I feel bad because I didn't make it to the World Languages celebration today, but I just wasn't up to it today. Every time I cough, it was like a small explosion in my head. At one point, Mike, my director, told me to go home. I'm sure he was tired of hearing me cough. I left about two hours after he told me to go (I had a meeting that I couldn't miss).

After the meeting, I left school and headed to my apt. I needed to make sure I turned down the heat. I haven't been there since Sunday and wasn't 100% sure that I turned down the heat before I left. I have two more days before I move and I feel like I have so much to do, even though most of my stuff is already packed. I guess I'm just nervous.