Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday 6.22.07

The last day of language class… We learned more about prepositions and other household vocabulary words. I’ve been waiting for this day to come all week, but suddenly I feel like I don’t want it to end. I don’t have enough grammar and vocabulary to go out in the world and effectively express myself. Now I want to learn more Italian. But what would be cool would be if I could download a huge chunk of Italian straight into my cerebral cortex the way seven of nine downloaded voyager’s library on Star Trek Voyager. I think that my closest alternative is listening to my Teach Yourself Italian CDs, which I think I’ll need to do starting in the next day or so.
We did get certificates to prove that we took Italian in Italy. That’s going in a special place at home.
The afternoon was far less interesting. Instead of visiting a museum, we did laundry. Quite of number of us needed to wash clothes, so we found a place that is self service and conveniently located near a restaurant where we could eat lunch in between loads. The Laundromats weren’t too different from American Laundromats except that you don’t put the change in the machine. There is a machine on the wall where you feed your money. Tiffany and I got a couple of loads done, but she ended up re-washing our white clothes again at home. We didn’t do much after that, except prepare for our trip to Florence the next day.