Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday 6.29.07

Today we had a short day planned. We were going to the Doumo, right around the corner. Every city in Italy has a Doumo, which basically is the main cathedral of the city. We went bright and early just to find out that it doesn’t open until noon. So we decided to head over to San Domenica to see the cathedral that is dedicated to Saint Catherine of Siena.
Saint Catherine (Caterina Benincasa) was born on March 25, 1347 and was known for her help with the poor. She also worked with the popes of the day in establishing the church in Siena. She is also known for helping to establish peace among the regions in Italy during her time.
Inside the church, there are a variety of renaissance painting depicting the Madonna and Child and the founding fathers of the church. In addition, off in wall, near a shrine, you can actually view Saint Catherine’s mummified finger. It is said that her head is there too, but it wasn’t out for viewing.