Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Rain

The funny thing about rain is that is serves so many purposes. It helps to clean the air on the way down to the ground. It waters the vegetation and crops so that we can have food to eat. At it's most powerful, it can destroy cities, towns and whole civilizations.

Yet at the same time, to sit by your window and watch it fall can be one of the most enjoyable experiences a person can have. In areas that desperately need rain, a rain shower can be like manna from heaven. There have been many times when rain has brought me comfort...made me feel better...washed away the cares of the day.

My heart has been heavy the past few days. I needed solace, the assurance that everything would be alright...And then it rained. Slowly, my worries started to fade. I feel like I'm being washed clean of my fears.

Things will be OK.