Friday, August 10, 2007

Role Model

I walked four times this week, 3 miles each. It's a good work out, but I feel like I'm hitting a plateau. Part of it is that I'm not eating quite the way I was before Italy. And mentally I'm not where I was before Italy.

Ever since I started this weight loss program, I've felt pressure not to let people down. Losing weight can never be a personal battle. Everyone can see the results. When they are good, everyone is happy. When the results flatten out, it is mentally taxing - at least it has been for me. I want to do the best that I can because I don't want to let anyone down. But at the same time, there are days when I need this to be my own thing; a journey that I go on inside my own head without discussion or input from anyone else.

It's so hard to keep this going and there are days that I want to give up. The thing is that I need a support system. It's just that some days, it's more than I can take.

I don't want to be a role model today.