Friday, August 03, 2007

Stay in the Fight

I heard some thing inspirational the other day. Fran Drescher was talking about a technique she used to get thought her cancer treatments. She kept two rubber bands on her wrist. Any time she started having negative thoughts like "I can't do this" or "This is too hard", she would snap one of the rubber bands. It was like a quick snap back to reality and a deterrent to allowing the negative thoughts that she would inevitably have from taking over and consuming her.

I got to thinking that her technique could be applied in just about any situation. We all face challenges in our lives and negative thoughts are more than abundant inside our heads and hearts. We have goals that we want to reach, but there is something holding us back. Taking that step is scary, but you know what, not taking that step can be even worse.

Are you stuck in a job you hate? Why not quit and do the thing that really fulfills your real passion? Do you want to lose weight? Who doesn't ? I know I do. Taking that step, making the step to take my life back was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. I was stuck in a vicious of negative thoughts and bad habits.

There are always reasons why you can't do something. But the truth is that it's not that you can't, it's that you won't. Everything is hard when your attitude is led by the negative thoughts in your head. It's time to break out of the cycle of negativity and surround yourself with positive thoughts, from within yourself and from the people closest to you.

So go grab two rubber bands and stay in the fight!