Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Big Girl

I'm going to be brave and sleep in my bed tonight. Everyone has told me that I can't except dust mites...they're every where and despite my worst fears, I'm told that they won't eat me in my sleep. I'm still going to get some mattress covers on Friday. Also, this weekend, I'm going to vacuum everything under the sun.

Last night was my first class at College Park. I felt totally overwhelmed on that campus. It's so huge. But after making a panicked call to Jurea for directions, I was able to make my way to my class - American Pop Culture. This class is going to be interesting, even if it's not what I was expecting. We five books to read, but I think I can keep up with the reading. I more worried about my Anthropology class. That also has five books, but the amount of readig seems to be higher than the other class.

I was putting away my clothes tonight and thought to myself, "I wish they had these textbooks on CD". I do so much better reading when someone else is reading aloud. I don't know why that is... I guess it's a learning style.