Friday, October 19, 2007

In other news

What a crazy couple of days...

There's still no definitive solution to my shoulder problems. The latest diagnosis is that it's "partially dislocated". So I have to go back to the orthopedists for another exam. I have to go get the films from the radiologist. Also, I had to make an appointment to get an ultrasound on my shoulder and arm. My doctor wants to see if there's anything circulatory going on as well because of the occasional numbness and tingling that I'm experiencing.


Also, I had the strangest phone call today. We were looking for an online ticketing solution and we looked at a certain company. We decided, after looking at several companies, on another company. I emailed the sales rep and then she called me to ask why we didn't pick them. I didn't want to get really specific so I told her that we felt that the other company was a better fit.

She didn't take that well, so I had my boss call her. She was rude to him when he called and so that sealed the deal. This phone call took place about two weeks ago, at least. So out of the blue today, she calls me as if it's the first time we talked and said that someone from another college referred me to her. The key to the conversation was that the president of her company insisted that she call me. So she called and had no clue who I was.

I told her that we had talked before and that I had already let her know that we were going with another company. She was insistent that I tell her why and wanted to know what the other company had that she didn't. She was very hostile and condescending. She acted like I was too stupid to know what I was "passing up". So I told her that I'd call her back when my boss came back.

After I got off the phone with her, she sent me an email that was basically marketing spam and she sent it to my personal email address. I replied back and asked her to take my personal email address out of her address book; a reasonable request, I thought. Then my boss came back and left her a message saying that we had decided to go with another company and that she shouldn't call back anymore.

Well the lady must be extremely dense because she actually called back and wanted to know what she had done to offend us. Umm, how about continuing to call when we've already said no... how about not remembering previous conversations... how about answering the phone with "Wait a minute" when we called once before... how about insisting that we go with her even though her product costs more. This woman is out there.

So my boss gave her one more call and he actually spoke to her this time. It was the funniest thing I had ever heard. He spoke loud enough for every one in the office to hear and we were cracking up. He said, "I thought that we made it clear that we weren't going with your product for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the customer service. Apparently, she got super polite after that, but by then the bridge was burned and the support beams complete destroyed.

So she asked if there was anything she could do to get us to use her product and short of it being free, he told her no.


Here's your You Tube clip of the day: