Monday, October 15, 2007

Mr. Vicadin

I had to take Vicadin last Friday for my arm and shoulder pain. I fell asleep on the couch watching the Flintstones. I had the weirdest dreams that night.

My first dream was about visiting a friend in Manhattan. Her apt was no bigger than my cubicle and she told me that her rent was over $900/month. It was crazy.

My second dream was about being an extra in the Fall production of the Foreigner at HCC. It was the strangest thing because I don't remember audtioning or even being asked to be in the play. All of the sudden I was in the middle of rehearsals. I couldn't go to the rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursdays because of the book study and Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting. I don't know what I ended up doing.

My third dream, the most embarrassing one was when I was in love (and stalking) Gary Coleman. Now mind you, I'm not talking Gary Coleman at the height of Diff'rent Strokes. I'm talking Gary Coleman, security guard. In my dream he was a hair dresser and for some reason I was completely in love with him.