Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Orlando, Carol Burnett, and American Government

The next few weeks are going to bring on a whirlwind of activities. This Sunday I'm going Orlando for a diversity conference. We'll be there from Sunday May 24 to Sunday June 1. I'm looking forward to being in Orlando with Carol and Kim. I suspect that we're going to have lots of fun and quite a number of inside jokes. I'm trying to figure out some places where we can go in the evenings. I'm armed with travel guides and a need to explore.

On June 21st, I'm going to Atlantic City to see Carol Burnett. She's hosting a Q&A like she did on the Carol Burnett Show. I've been wanting to meet Carol Burnett for years, so I'm hoping to get the chance at show. It'll be my first time to Caesar's Palace. It should be interesting.

While all this is going on, I'll be taking an American Government class, much to the chagrin of my family and friends. I think that everyone wants me to graduate so that they don't have to hear about my classes. My mom said that she thinks that I try and find ways to drive everyone crazy with my classes each semester. My friend Marie can't understand why I would pick a class that requires me to read. I have a bit of a reputation when it comes to reading for class. I'm going to give it a good try.

Monday, May 19, 2008

It's a sunshine day

I think i'll go for a walk outside now
the summer sun's callin my name
(i hear ya now)
i just can't stay inside all day
i gotta get out get me some of those rays
everybody's smilin
sunshine day
everybody's laughin
sunshine day
everybody seems so happy today
it's a sunshine day

Can't you dig the sunshine
Love and sun are the same
Cant you hear him callin your name?

Oh, I think I'll take a walk everyday now
the summer sun has show the way to be happy now
I just cant stay inside all day
I gotta get out get me some of those rays
everybody's smilin
sunshine day
everybody's laughin
sunshine day
everybody seems so happy today
it's a sunshine day

- That's right - it's a song from the Brady Bunch. You know you love it!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The end of the road

This week marked the end of the spring semester. The end of homework, the end of worrying endlessly, the end of worrying that I'll never be done.

I would like to say that there is a part of me that enjoyed this semester, but I really can't. I started the semester with high hopes, envisioning myself walking across the stage of the Comcast Center in May. I took on high ambitions, 12 credits. In hind sight, I realize that it was a fool hardy attempt to finish my program before its natural end. So I decided to extend my stay at UMUC for two semesters.

For my summer adventure, I decided to take GVPT170, American Government. It will fulfill my social science requirement, although my advisor suggested taking an upper level social science. So since I'm taking a lower level social science, I'll need to take two upper level electives. I'm not sure what I'm going to take, but my goal is take two courses that seem like they'll be fun.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Final Exams

I took my final exams this weekend. I've never been so happy to see a semester end in my life. This was supposed to be my last semester, but it's not. I'm going to take three more classes. I only need two, but I'm taking an extra one to avoid a prerequisite.

Here's the thing about school. Someone once told me that he tassel is worth the hassle. I don't know if believe that every moment of the day. But it does help me get through some days. Most days it feels like a futile exercise in following directions, not learning. I can't always put my hand on tangible things that I'm getting out of my classes. But I keep going because it's almost over.

This summer, I'm going to take GVPT 170 American Government. My fall schedule remains to be seen. The only thing that I have decided is that I'm not taking any face-to-face classes. I plan to have a dog by the beginning of summer and it will be the perfect excuse to come home on time after work.