Monday, May 05, 2008

Final Exams

I took my final exams this weekend. I've never been so happy to see a semester end in my life. This was supposed to be my last semester, but it's not. I'm going to take three more classes. I only need two, but I'm taking an extra one to avoid a prerequisite.

Here's the thing about school. Someone once told me that he tassel is worth the hassle. I don't know if believe that every moment of the day. But it does help me get through some days. Most days it feels like a futile exercise in following directions, not learning. I can't always put my hand on tangible things that I'm getting out of my classes. But I keep going because it's almost over.

This summer, I'm going to take GVPT 170 American Government. My fall schedule remains to be seen. The only thing that I have decided is that I'm not taking any face-to-face classes. I plan to have a dog by the beginning of summer and it will be the perfect excuse to come home on time after work.