Saturday, May 10, 2008

The end of the road

This week marked the end of the spring semester. The end of homework, the end of worrying endlessly, the end of worrying that I'll never be done.

I would like to say that there is a part of me that enjoyed this semester, but I really can't. I started the semester with high hopes, envisioning myself walking across the stage of the Comcast Center in May. I took on high ambitions, 12 credits. In hind sight, I realize that it was a fool hardy attempt to finish my program before its natural end. So I decided to extend my stay at UMUC for two semesters.

For my summer adventure, I decided to take GVPT170, American Government. It will fulfill my social science requirement, although my advisor suggested taking an upper level social science. So since I'm taking a lower level social science, I'll need to take two upper level electives. I'm not sure what I'm going to take, but my goal is take two courses that seem like they'll be fun.