Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Orlando, Carol Burnett, and American Government

The next few weeks are going to bring on a whirlwind of activities. This Sunday I'm going Orlando for a diversity conference. We'll be there from Sunday May 24 to Sunday June 1. I'm looking forward to being in Orlando with Carol and Kim. I suspect that we're going to have lots of fun and quite a number of inside jokes. I'm trying to figure out some places where we can go in the evenings. I'm armed with travel guides and a need to explore.

On June 21st, I'm going to Atlantic City to see Carol Burnett. She's hosting a Q&A like she did on the Carol Burnett Show. I've been wanting to meet Carol Burnett for years, so I'm hoping to get the chance at show. It'll be my first time to Caesar's Palace. It should be interesting.

While all this is going on, I'll be taking an American Government class, much to the chagrin of my family and friends. I think that everyone wants me to graduate so that they don't have to hear about my classes. My mom said that she thinks that I try and find ways to drive everyone crazy with my classes each semester. My friend Marie can't understand why I would pick a class that requires me to read. I have a bit of a reputation when it comes to reading for class. I'm going to give it a good try.