Thursday, April 28, 2005

A better day

Today was a better day at work. I actually feel like accomplished something I've been working on. I hate feeling unproductive. I want to be able to have things under control and be able to handle my help desk calls in a timely fashion. Dealing with files that work here, but not there was probably the most frustrating thing I've dealt with in a long time. I do not want to relive that again.

I did have something neat happen today, though. I put on a pair of pants that I couldn't fix six months ago. It was a great feeling and it made me feel encouraged that I'm making progress with my exercise schedule. I'm still not going to get on a scale for a while because if I don't see a number that I like, I'll be disappointed. I mean, I know I making progress, but numbers can be so discouraging.

I have also found that exercising gives me the time I need to unwind. It clears my mind and helps me forget my problems, even if it's only for one hour a day. I really enjoy this time. For sure, I know that I'll have classes on Tues/Thurs/Fri during the summer. I need to figure out what I'm going to do on Mondays and Wednesdays.

I'll figure something out.