Saturday, April 02, 2005

One Day Left

Ok, there's only one day left of freedom. On Monday we have to go back to work and start up on the daily grid. I really don't want to go because decorating my apt is so much more fun.

I've been working on a project for the past week and I finally feel like it's finally coming together. I hope that it will help me in the long run...I think it will.

It's important to have a portfolio of your work. It shows people what kind of work you do. I've done a lot this year and I'm pretty proud of my work. My goal is to do web projects as a side business. I've already been asked to submit resumes and portfolios to a couple of different people.

In the past, I doubted my abilities as a web designer. But recently, I've taken real pride in my work. Not the kind of pride where you get a swelled head. But the kind of pride where you won't settle for less than the best for your client. This year, I think I produced work that was very good. I hope I can continue that pattern.