Saturday, December 31, 2005

December 31, 2005 2:48am

Talk about burning the midnight oil. I've been working on a homework assignment all day. I've been reading the chapter that goes with it all week. The assignment was due by midnight on December 30. I was 2 hours 48 minutes late. But I guess if I weren't late, then I wouldn't be me. The truth of that statement saddens me in ways that I can't fully explain.

Now I have to get started on the next assignment. I committed to doing a research project about using blogs on college websites. I really think that we could use them at HCC, but the trick is going to be convincing the powers that be that blogs can be used as a business application. I've already seen blogs used on the McDaniel College website. I'm still looking for other colleges that use blogs effectively. Some offer blog space to their students, but I'm looking for blogs that help in recruiting or blogs that are used to announce campus events. I need some concrete evidence 1) for my paper and 2) to use for my real sales pitch.

Well, I'm past tired. I have to get some sleep now. Shelby is going home tomorrow and I want to make sure that I'm awake when her parents get here.