Friday, December 30, 2005

Seven Things

One of those annoying surveys

Seven things that scare you:

1) Heights
2) Bridges
3) Having to be confrontational with someone I love
4) Getting older
5) Being on boats
6) Mental Illness
7) Having people hear me sing when I have my headphones

Seven things you love:

1) God
2) My family
3) My best friends
4) My computer
5) Snow days
6) Music
7) Discovering something new all on my own

Seven things you hate:

1) People who lie
2) Laziness
3) People who are not empathetic to other people's needs
4) Paris Hilton
5) Telemarketers who call and say "This is not a telemarketing call"
6) Paying Bills
7) Not having money

Seven things in your room:

1) Bed
2) Dresser
3) Ironing Board
4) Clothes
5) Pug
6) Tiger
7) A photo of Italy

Seven random facts that nobody knows about you:

1) I want to be in a play
2) I want to be on the Price Is Right and win fabulous prizes
3) I never wanted to move to Columbia, but now I can't imagine living any where else.
4) In the eleventh grade, a skate punk guy told me that he gave up smoking so that I would date him... I never did go out with him.
5) Even though I was relatively successful then, I hated high school.
6) I only applied to one college during my senior year because I was scared to death to leave home.
7) Austin Powers makes me sad.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1) Get out of debt
2) get married
3) have kids
4) Work with Carol Burnett
5) Be in a play
6) Own my own home
7) Try a bloody Mary

Seven things you can do:

1) Give a recursive answer to most people's questions at work
2) Design Web Pages
3) Give great advice even it's not asked for
4) Be righteously indignant when the situation calls for it
5) Defend my family to the death
6) Keep my inner feelings inside
7) Give way too much of myself to others

Seven Things You Can't Do:

1) Eat carrots or celery
2) Pick out shoes for myself
3) Share my food
4) Delegate tasks to others
5) Walk by the $5.50 bin at Walmart and not look in
6) Take criticism well
7) go into blockbuster and leave out empty handed

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1) A belief in and dedication to God
2) Looks
3) Personality
4) Sense of humor
5) Intelligence
6) A cute butt
7) A job...ain't nothing going on but the rent!

Top Seven Favorite Movies:

1) Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood
2) Imitation of Life
3) Beaches
4) Napoleon Dynamite
5) The Color Purple
6) Miracle Worker
7) Back to the Future Trilogy

Top Seven Things You Say The Most:

1) "You know what I mean?"
2) "Come on, now"
3) "Did that not sound sincere? I meant it to..."
4) "Not going to happen my friend"
5) "I was like...", Instead of saying "I said.."
6) "Not my problem"
7) "Do you see concern on my face"

Seven Places You Would Love To Visit:
1) Coeur d'Alene
2) Florida Keys
3) Canada
4) Cuernavaca Mexico
5) Pasadena, California
6) Ireland
7) Papua, New Guinea

Seven TV Shows You Want To Star In:

1) Facts of Life
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Star Trek Voyager
4) The Carol Burnett Show
5) Lost
6) Reba
7) Kim Possible

Seven things you admire most in people:

1) Honesty
2) Friendship
3) Confidence
4) Mutual Respect
5) Empathy
6) Sense of humor
7) A quiet understanding... being able to know what the other one is thinking or feeling without a word

Seven of your all time favorite bands/artists:

1) Reba McEntire
2) Boyz II Men
3) Keith Urban
4) Van Halen
5) Erin Hamilton
6) Michael Buble
7) Alison Krauss and Union Station

Seven Things you like most about your life right now:

1) The people I call friends are really supportive and caring.
2) I can cook well - Thanks Rachael Ray!
3) That I'm beginning to learn to live for me.
4) That I have people in my life who love me (both near and far)
5) That I finally realized that I am worthy of a good man (now I have to wait for him to show up)
6) The fact that I work in education despite the fact that I never thought I would.
7) That I am able to take care of myself with minimal supervision.

Seven things that you don't like about your life right now:

1) I'm still not married.
2) That there are committments that I'm not fulfilling
3) That I watch too much tv
4) That my grandmother is sick and there's nothing I can do about it.
5) That there are still things in my life that I haven't finished.
6) That I don't have unlimited funds to do the things I want.
7) That I have gained so much weight.