Thursday, December 22, 2005

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

There's been debate over whether or not Intelligent Design should be taught as an alternative to evolution. Those against the Intelligent Design theory say that ID isn't scientific and can't be proven. They say that is it a way to introduce religion into the classroom because by nature ID is faith based.

Supporters of evolution want our children to accept a theory aka guess that everything in the universe just happened. They can't prove it, there is no evidence to prove that we started as single celled organisms and slowly changed into human beings. No one recorded it, snapped a picture with their cellphones to capture that all important spark that started evolution going. We only have the conjecture of Charles Darwin. Believing evolution takes more faith than believing Intelligent Design.

At least the bible has proven scientific facts in it. The Mosaic law contained hundreds of laws about hygiene that protected the ancient Israelites from diseases now commonly known by scientists. Now if God gave them these laws, why is such a stretch to believe that He also created the universe.

Now I will admit that people who don't want to believe in God are the ones behind this anti-Intelligent Design campaign. I understand that they don't want to be "preached" to about a god they don't know or want to know. But at the same time, as a Christian, I don't want to hear someone tell me that the work that my Creator did millenia go just happened by chance. By teaching evolution, it seems like atheism is being forced on me.

So here's what I'd like to see. Stop teaching evolution all together. They don't have to teach Intelligent Design because in the long run, Intelligent Design recognizes that someone created the universe. But it never goes as far to say who did it. It stops just short of creationism.

The fact of the matter is that we will never agree.