Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Catching Up

I haven't written, really written, in a while. I think that the break in classes has left me devoid of grandiose ideas. I did read an interesting article today claiming that the sane half of TomKat maybe experiencing post partum depression. I wonder if old Tommy has stocked up on Flinstone chewables for his baby girl...and her mom.

On a lighter note, I got an A in my web design class. I was really happy when I saw that especially given the trying circumstances I endured with that class. I still haven't gotten my grade for my Intro to Computers class. Intro to Physical Science starts next week. My sister Tiffany, who is graduating from high school next week, took one look at my text book and basically told me that I'll be taking high school level science. I hope I'm up to it.

I'll post my feelings about LOST tommorow.