Monday, October 09, 2006

Time is on my side

Project #1 for my Graphic Design class:

Assignment: Project 1 - Meaning of text
As we have discussed text attributes such as size, position and orientation can help us navigate text and give it meaning. In this project the student will use those attributes to create a design. First choose a phrase, such as "Thinking outside the box" ; "What goes up must come down"; "Money makes the world go round" etc. Then input the phrase into a page layout program, creating separate text blocks for each of the words. By rotating, resizing and repositioning the words, try to create a design that will augment the meaning of the phrase. You may also make individual words or letters bold or italicized. Use only one font. Be creative. You may also break the words into individual letters if need be. Pay attention to all of your page space, not just the portion you think you are using.

My project:

My instructors comments: Great job! Good use of phrase to augment the meaning of the text. Good color choice and use of positioning the letters within the phrase. (Grade - 93%)

Some classmate comments:

#1 - Good Idea Julie. You actually inspired my project.
#2 - I think that the project looked very professional. I liked the use of color
and the way the words spread across the page. I also like the way the words
were transparent, making it easy for you too see behind them. Having said
that, I don't think it completely captured the 'time on your side' saying. I
think that making the words more vertical, may have helped.
#3 - I was able to get this right away. Good way to relay the message "time is on my side'!