Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday 7.01.07

We didn’t have anything on the schedule for Sunday. The congregation that we visited last week was away at the district convention, a challenge, that neither Tiffany nor I could handle. We struggled through the 45 minute public talk. We told Chicita that we would wait until we were back in the US to go to the convention.

I also welcomed the day off because I had killer blisters from all the walking we’ve done. So to have a day off my feet was like manna from heaven. I did go out to the bottega down the street to get a few snacks. Otherwise, Tiffany, Stephanie and I just sat in the house and watched music videos. MTV Europe is so different from American MTV. The first difference is that they actually show videos most of the time, albeit it the same stale 20 videos. We talked most of the day and watched the people going by on the street below.