Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wednesday 07.04.07

Today has been the cloudiest and coolest day in Siena. We didn't have any set plans to see museums. We did, however, plan to spend the morning with Marie going over questions about the art journal. I was sure about some things in the book, but had questions about other things. So we planned to meet at the student lounge.

While in the lounge, I got to work on my blog, read some news, check some email and update my website. I still have a lot to do on my website. I never seem to be able to finish websites. I tend to have bursts of energy when I can be really productive. But for right now, I'm settling for functional.

While we were sitting and chatting, Marie and I started talking about the hotel arrangements in Rome. Because the number of people is uneven, some roommate have to be split up. Thankfully, Tiffany and I will stay together. Tiffany is planning a "bad movie night" in the hotel.

For lunch, we went to Osteria il Tamburino. It's less than five minutes from our apt and I've walked by it every day. We went in solely based on the fact that we saw french fries on the menu and to my amazement, we were all able to order our food, drink and of course, french fries. I ordered veal in tomato sauce. Marie and Keighley order grilled chicken and Tiffany ordered salad. The fries were like steak fries, thick, freshly salted, and hot out of the oven. It was the first thing I've eaten in 2.5 weeks that felt like home. All four of us had a glow of happiness that surrounded us. The rest of the food was good and I have to say that between the food and the company, it was the best meal I had in Siena.