Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Five months later.

What I have to say today may be shocking to some and to those, I apologize up front.

I was watching Oprah today and she had stories from Hurricane Katrina and how after five months some people are still living in horrifying conditions. There are still 2000 people missing and very little clean up has been done.

We all know about the devastation in New Orleans because that's all we were shown, day in and day out. But there were other places that were destroyed in Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and in other parts of Louisiana. It makes me sad to hear that people feel forgotten and alone because all the attention, initially went to New Orleans.

Now, New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagen, has made a special effort to get parts of New Orleans ready for Mardi Gras and that's all fine and good, if you're into that sort of thing. But there are thousands of families with no place to go. There are people living in tents, while FEMA trailers sit unoccupied. There are children who have to go to over crowded schools because only one school was fit for operation in a particular area. What's going on is madness and all the government officials keep pointing fingers and blaming other people. But these are people's lives we're talking about. They can't wait around until someone decides to own up to their mistakes and take the blame.

The people holding up the progress are more than likely people who can go home to a relatively nice place each night and sleep in a bed, not a cot, but a bed. Like I said, it's all very frustrating to look at and take in.

I will say this, and again, if it offends you, I'm sorry. When the Twin Towers fell in Manhattan, it wasn't economically advantageous to let the lower Manhattan sit in ruin. The powers that be got things moving to clean up and recover as quickly as possible. George Bush made it clear that he would do everything necessary to get New York back to what it had been. Isn't New Orleans just as deserving? Why do we have to play the blame game before our own people get any help?

I hate to say this but I truly believe that if we had seen more images of white people suffering right from the beginning, more would've been done. The poor black people were seen as refugees, looters, and lost souls in the midst of the disaster. Most of those people probably aren't voting republicans or else, they'd be safe now. Our government has a way of favoring those who are their own and this time it's costing people their lives, their homes, and their way of life.

I guarantee that if those areas had been more conservative areas, the money that had already been allocated to strengthen the levies would've been in place. The scientific reports that showed not only that a cat 5 hurricane was coming, but that the levies could not withstand the pressure of a cat 5 hurricane. Why weren't these reports taken more seriously.

We live in a sick world, run by men who could care less about the little guy. That's why I'll be glad when Jesus comes to clean up the mess that we have created. If he doesn't we are libel to destroy each other.