Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Although I slept well last night, I did wake up a couple of times throughout the night. I managed to get up on time and get my house organized for the trip. I have people coming to my house on Monday and really didn't want to have to clean Sunday night after I get home.

The plane ride was pretty uneventful. I did get my seat changed to the emergency exit row. It's pretty cool because there's more leg room in that row. Of course, if there's an emergency, you are obligated to help the cabin crew and your fellow passengers to safety.

The flight, which took all over one hour, went smoothly and I was pleasantly surprise to find out that AirTran has XM satellite radio on its flights. You can connect to it through your arm rest. I think I like XM satellite radio, but I don't think I can afford it right now.

When we landed at Logan Airport, I saw another plane on the run way that said NWA. I instantly thought of the rap group, but then I realized that it probably stood for Northwest airlines. But how funny would it have been if the airplane had been "pimped out" with spinning rims and huge subwoofers in the back?

I retrieved my suitcase... yes it actually made it there... and headed for the shuttle pick up area. Two hours later, the van finally showed up. I don't remember seeing anything on the hotel website saying that you needed to call to ask them to pick you up. But oh well.

The Four Points at Sheraton is a small hotel, but my room has a great big bed. The bed is a king size bed, the largest bed ever. It's a big girl bed for sure.

It was raining when I got here, so my plans to go explore were sort of dashed. But in the long run, it was ok because I arrived with a really bad headache and a stuffy nose. I wanted to get some rest and sleep off this thing that is trying to become a cold. It also gave me the chance to plot out my itinerary based on the detailed subway map I got from the lobby. So here's the plan:

THURSDAY - Green Line
Museum of Science
Museum of Fine Arts
Boston College

FRIDAY - Red Line
Harvard Museum of Natural History
Freedom Trail
John F Kennedy Library

SATURDAY - Blue Line

Boston African American Historical Park
New England Aquarium

I'll post my thoughts and some pix each day so you can read about my adventures.