Saturday, July 15, 2006

Red Day - In more ways than one

Saturday's journey was not for the faint of heart. My plans were very ambitious:

1. Aquarium
2. Museum of Fine Arts (second visits)
3. Institute of Contemporary Arts
4. Skywalk Observatory.

I made it to the aquarium and 9:45 am after coaching a follow tourist about planning day trips. After making sure she got some water for the day. I headed for the aquarium. The penguins were cute. There were a million kinds of fish in a thousand tanks. There was one large take with a ton of big fish including barracudas and the giant sea turtle from Finding Nemo. I immediately wanted to know how old he was because Sandy Plankton said that sea turtles live to be 100 years old. But hey what does Sandy Plankton know? As it turns out the sea turtle was 65 years old.

I left the aquarium with a slight headache and feeling a little icky, but I chalked it up to not having a good breakfast. I went back to the subway station and headed out to the Museum of Fine Arts for the second time. I really wanted to go back to the gift shop. When I went on Thursday, I didn't have enough money to get anything. This time I went in armed with cash. I found a poster for my mom and a postcard or two.

I left the MFA intent on seeing the Institute of Contemporary Art. It was on the way to the Skywalk Observatory. I arrived at the ICA subway stop and wandered around Boylston street, but I couldn't find the ICA. I walked and walked and finally found it - and it was closed. I did find the Virgin Megastore and yes, I went in. It was a pretty nice store, very well stocked with a variety of selections. Just in case you're wondering, yes, I did buy some music.

It was odd being in the Virgin Megastore. It made me think back to my days at Sam Goody. You know, there was a period of time when I really loved working there. The days when it just about the music were the best days. I still really love music and I think that's what I miss the most about Sam Goody. My goodness...My thoughts have strayed.

I left to go to my next destination, the SkyWalk Observatory... Oddly enough, I didn't realize that I was one block away. I got on the subway and transferred trains just to end up one block away. By now, I felt really strange. I figured that I should take some pain medication for my now throbbing head. I went into the Prudential Center intent on finding food. I ended up going to Qdoba, the Mexican restaurant I discovered in Philadelphia and got a chicken taco salad.

Now, here's where the trip gets a little bit graphic.

I made my way to the food court and as I was sitting there, I kept feeling like I was going to pass out. I was having mini blackouts and I felt like the room was moving. I decided that it was best to go to the restroom in case I got sick and of course there were a million people in line. There were women with children, friends talking and all I could think was, "please don't let me throw up in line". Finally, my turn... Nothing... Man, I really thought it was coming. I guess it was a false alarm.

See that's what I thought....

I started walking out of the mall and suddenly...SPLAT!!!

I fell to my knees and tried to get myself together. No one stopped to help me, but I managed on my own to make back to the restroom, which was, of course, empty. I cleaned up a bit and headed straight to the subway to get back to the hotel. I finally made it back to the hotel and crashed in the bed. I felt horrible the rest of the night so I just stayed in bed. My mom told me to let the hotel folks know if I get sick again and to have them take me to hospital if I threw up again. Thankfully, I didn't.