Sunday, July 09, 2006

Exploring Philly

Last night I went to Cereality and it was very interesting. A cereal bar is really cool if you love cereal. Of course after I ate the cereal, I was still hungry. So I went Pat's King of Steaks. I liked the cheesesteaks that I got last year, but the "cheese wiz steak wit" wasn't that good. It had lots of fat on it, which is not good for cheese steaks.

I went to Geno Steaks for cheese fries and saw the most offensive yet patriotic sign. It said, "I'm an american, so I order in english". I have seen patriotic signs before, but something inside me was so incensed by that one. I would think that a store, in what seems to be a poor neighborhood, would want customers from all backgrounds. It seems like they are deliberately alienating the latinos in the neighborhood. But I guess it's ok because over at Pat's, their folks are multilingual and they welcome everyone.