Thursday, July 06, 2006

East Coast Gal

After a day of traveling, I'm completely tired. But it's a good tired. I drove here to Philadelphia and I managed to make it here without any problems. I did forget my camera, but I'll deal. I was thinking about getting a disposable camera. But the thought of getting the pictures developed and transferred to CD was more than I could stand. I know, it's lazy, but hey, I'm tired.

I arrived at the hotel and made my way to the check in desk. I picked the Sheraton ( because I've always loved their service, pricing, and cleanliness. But today, I had a few problems checking in. We got things settled and I even found out that my internet connection was free (wooohooo!).

I went to my room and found things exactly as I had left them a year ago. Now of course, I'm not in the same room, but somehow it felt like it was. I unpacked my bags and decided to go on the hunt for food. I resisted the urge to play it lazy and pick up something from the wawa right across the street. I kept walking by and looked at the cafes in the area. It was so nice to walk around University City, a name that is appropriate for the surroundings. Right near by is Drexel University, Penn State, many other colleges, universities and specialty schools for art, culinary arts, writing, and design. There's a school for everything here and there are a million students. Interpersed are buildings that look as old the country itself. Cobbled stones streets in some areas transport me to colonial days where things were simpler.

I continued walking sort of following the crowds of students. I was channeling my inner Rachael Ray, looking for a great place to eat, off the beaten path with great eats. I walked by one place that I made note of called Cereality. It is the greatest store ever. It's a cereal bar. You can go in any get any kind and combination of cereal you want and they put it in a Chinese food take out container for you. I think I'll go back and actually get some cereal one morning before I leave.

I wasn't up for cereal for dinner, so I kept walking. I ended up at a Mexican food place called Qdoba Mexican Grill. They have a few items on the menu, not many. I ordered the chicken fajita burrito, chips and guacamole (smile Gina!). The burrito was not your ordinary burrito. Everything that you would have with fajitas was jammed into this burrito. I didn't actually know how I would eat it. I walked home, talked to my mom on the phone as I walked and marveled at all the scenery that I had never seen in Philly before. All the college students walking around, studying at benches and socializing... It made me realize why I'm not having that great a time in college. As an online student, I don't have the social interaction that goes with a traditional college education. I don't mind for the most part, but there are times when having other students around would be helpful and encouraging to me. Don't get me wrong, I get plenty of support and ultimately I like being unencumbered by the social responsibility that goes along with the college life.

But I digress...

Tomorrow is the first day of the Deliverance at Hand District Convention. I've heard really good things about the convention from other people. I know that I'll leave spiritually encouraged and rejuvenated.

More tomorrow...