Sunday, November 04, 2007

Drugs in American Pop Culture

I've finally finished my paper on drugs in popular culture and mass media. After I started doing research, I instantly regretted picking this topic. I know that there is plenty of information on drugs. But I couldn't find what I needed. Eventually, I was able to start writing and ideas started to flow.

I wasn't able to get the paper done on time. I explained to my professor my dilemma and he said that I could turn in tomorrow. Fortunately for me VH1 aired a four hour series called The Drug Years which gave me the information that I had been trying to find all along. It was a huge blessing because I had no idea how I was going to finish my paper.

I don't think my paper is ground breaking in any way. I only scratches the surface of the real drug problem. But then again, it's really not supposed to.